
Become a milestone

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Bild eines Graffitis, das sich bei Milestone Consult im Empfangsbereich befindet. Auf dem Graffiti ist ein Gorilla zu sehen, der über dem Unternehmenswert "Respect" wacht.Zwei Mitarbeiter von Milestone Consult diskutieren über verschiedene Arbeitsergebnisse an einer Glaswand im Gebäude von Milestone Consult.Blick auf das Bürogebäude von Milestone Consult, im Vordergrund wehen drei Fahnen.

Your way to us

As individual as the solutions for our customers are, so are the needs of our employees. With us, every employee has the opportunity to fully develop and contribute optimally to their team, their customers and their project, all while having fun and enthusiasm.

  • Training program for the next generation

  • Retraining initiatives for experienced professionals in reorientation

  • Career entry for Bachelor and Master graduates

  • New perspective for experienced professionals

Ein Mitarbeiter von Milestone Consult klettert bei einem Teamevent eine Kletterwand hoch.

Our values


Respect for each other is the basis of our actions. This includes respect for the ideas and opinions, cultural and personal beliefs and the contribution made by each individual.


Our successes are based on teamwork. The needs of the team come before the needs of the individual.


With a clearly selected technology and service portfolio, we claim to be experts in our profession.


We carry out our tasks with passion, discipline and a personal commitment to successful implementation. We take responsibility, work independently and goal-oriented.


Having fun in your daily work is one of the foundations for creativity and a decisive factor for the performance of each individual.

Was unsere Mitarbeiter sagen

Was ich an Milestone Consult schätze? Bei Milestone steht der Mitarbeiter als Mensch an oberster Stelle.

Es gibt klare Werte, die im täglichen Miteinander gelebt werden und das bedeutet für mich: Wertschätzung, Respekt und volle Unterstützung in meiner Arbeit. Daher würde ich die Entscheidung für Milestone Consult als die beste meiner beruflichen Laufbahn bezeichnen.

Anne Nowack

Senior Consultant BI

Seit über


Jahren bei Milestone

What awaits you with us

Close Up auf eine Mitarbeiterin von Milestone Consult, die auf einem Tablet Notizen macht.

Great working atmosphere

At Milestone we maintain a family management style. An open door policy is practiced here and there are flat hierarchies and short decision-making processes. The building was built in 2020 and, like the equipment for all employees, has a modern design. Our fluctuation rate is < 5%. The employees we hire stay with us long-term.

Ein Schild mit der Aufschrift "Love to learn".

Further education

A developed training and further education concept is part of our further training program. When you join the company, you will be assigned a mentor who will accompany and support you. In addition, we have regular internal community sessions for anyone interested, each on software engineering and business intelligence topics.

Ein Mann sitzt bequem auf einem Stuhl mit einem Laptop auf seinem Schoß.


In addition to top conditions, you will also receive a company pension plan for your work, so that you can now plan for the time after your employment. In addition to your salary, there is an annual sales share for each employee.

Health & exercise

We have a company health management system. This includes, for example, nutritional advice or our popular active break. A physiotherapist comes to our house once a week and gives us targeted exercises for everyday office life. In our building we have our own modern fitness studio that can be used by every employee. This means you can just go up one floor after work and start your workout straight away.

Zwei Fahrradfahrer vor der Abendsonne, die sich gegenseitig abklatschen.

Compatibility of work and family

Since the compatibility of work and family is very important to us, you can organize your working hours flexibly, taking core times into account. You also have the option of working from home up to three times a week. For your relaxation, we offer 30 days of vacation plus three additional custom days.

Verschiedene Fahrzeuge stehen an Ladesäulen, im Hintergrund ist das Bürogebäude von Milestone Consult zu sehen.


With us you have the option of getting a company car depending on your area of ​​responsibility and activity. You can then choose this according to your taste - whether it's a stylish sports car or a comfortable station wagon. So that you can do something good for the environment on your way to work, you have the option of a job bike with us.

Uwe Brauer, Koch bei Milestone Consult.


We have our in-house cook so that you can start again with enough energy after your lunch break. Here you can choose between a discounted meat or vegetarian dish. To get your ideas flowing again, we offer free water, but also hot drinks such as coffee and tea.

Eine Live-Band spielt auf einer Bühne auf dem Sommerfest von Milestone Consult.

Further benefits

Further benefits are waiting for you, such as hardware leasing or corporate benefits, where there are monthly changing offers. There are also regular, unforgettable employee events on our Milestone grounds where you can have fun with your colleagues outside of the office.

Our teams

Eine Gruppe von Mitarbeitern von Milestone Consult diskutieren im Flur des Büros über ein Arbeitsergebnis.

Data Analytics & AI

Generate efficient analyzes and transparent statements from large amounts of data.

Eine Gruppe von Personen arbeitet an Computern in einem Büro, fokussiert auf Softwareentwicklung.

Software Engineering

Tailor-made software solutions that digitize business processes and enable new business models.

Eine Person arbeitet an einem Laptop, auf dem Daten angezeigt werden.

Quality management

Advise on complex and integrative MES issues and use good concepts to increase the quality and acceptance of software among end users.

Vier Personen sitzen um einen Tisch mit einem Laptop und diskutieren, während sie auf den Bildschirm schauen.

Administration and business development

Your commitment and your ideas are the engine that drives and develops our company.