Generative AI revolutionizes the handling of corporate knowledge!

Stellen Sie sich vor, ein KI-System könnte auf das gesamte Wissen Ihrer Unternehmensdokumente zugreifen und dieses durch natürliche Sprachanfragen direkt zugänglich machen. Mit der Einführung Ihrer individuellen KI-Lösung wird diese Vision jetzt Wirklichkeit.

Zum Angebot
Illustration eines Kopfes, welcher prall gefüllt mit Büchern in einem Regal ist.

The Milestone AI Rapid Production Framework

We have pooled the experience gained from numerous AI customer projects in our AI Rapid Production Framework. With our proven framework, we reduce the implementation time and increase security in the implementation of Gen AI projects.

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Jan Ottmann von Milestone Consult erklärt dem interessierten Publikum das Milestone Framework zur generativen KI.

Discover the possibilities of generative AI using your own data

Our demo offer includes the import of your company's own documents into a protected test environment and the provision of an interface for testing the generative AI solution.

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Intelligent chatbots: Generative AI for your external communication

We develop and support GenAI chatbot projects from analysis to final implementation and subsequent quality assurance.

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Ein Mann mit blauem Hemd schaut in sein Handy, über dem ein 3D Overlay zu sehen ist, das ein Chatfenster andeutet.

Enter into dialog with your company knowledge as intuitively as you know it from ChatGPT

Did you know that you can use OpenAI & Co. in your own protected cloud environment to access your company knowledge?

Generative AI solves the everyday challenge of finding relevant answers to complex business questions quickly and effortlessly. Whether PDFs, Word files, Teams or SharePoint - with generative AI in a protected cloud environment, you can access your company knowledge in a continuous dialog and communicate in natural, simple language.

We have already successfully implemented numerous generative AI solutions that collect and structure unstructured information from various sources and provide relevant answers to complex queries in real time in dialog with the user in natural language. We have bundled the experience gained from these projects into a framework that enables faster and more cost-effective implementation with greater security.

Illustration eines Gehirns, welches Informationen aus verschiedenen Office Systemen aufnimmt.

How AI is revolutionizing access to corporate knowledge

It could look like this...

Haken Icon

General information

With our AI solution, we make your technical, organizational and regulatory corporate knowledge from various sources accessible in a structured way and using natural language.

Haken Icon

Detailed process knowledge

Employees can access important process details without having to spend a long time looking through manuals or documentation.  They can also ask more in-depth questions and delve deeper into the process through an ongoing dialog to gain a more comprehensive understanding.

Haken Icon

Contact persons

Employees can quickly find the right thematic contacts and their positions without having to search through organization charts or contact lists.

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Our solution approach in detail

Ein Handydisplay auf dem verschiedene Apps von Microsoft zu sehen sind.

Access to internal knowledge

With our AI solution, we make your technical, organizational and regulatory corporate knowledge from various sources accessible in a structured way and using natural language.

Automated integration of external knowledge

If required, the AI solution can also automatically search external sources of information and incorporate their results into its response behavior. This can include a wide range of sources, from regulatory updates to the latest research findings. For example, the AI solution can regularly search for legal changes, guidelines or regulations to ensure that the information it provides is always up to date. This means that the AI's answers are always precise and relevant, even if the external framework conditions change.

Geschäftsleute arbeiten an Laptops und Tablets, umgeben von Internet-Symbolen auf dem Tisch.
Screenshots von zwei Konversationen mit einer künstlichen Intelligenz.

Target group-oriented provision of information

The AI voice output can be flexibly adapted to the respective user using prompt engineering. This means that every employee - regardless of their experience - receives the same information about a query, but the wording and level of detail of the response are tailored specifically to the knowledge and needs of the respective user group. This means that new employees receive answers in a simpler syntax and with fewer prerequisites, while experienced employees receive answers with more details and specialist terminology.

Integration into the familiar working environment

The AI solution is seamlessly integrated into the existing systems that you use on a daily basis. Whether it's intranet pages, standard applications or Microsoft Teams, the generative AI is connected directly where it brings the greatest benefit.

Integration into communication and collaboration services such as Microsoft Teams is particularly noteworthy. Your AI solution can act as another contact within these platforms, allowing you to access the intelligence of the AI directly in the communication flow.

Close Up von einer Frau, die ein Handy in der Hand hält auf dem der Startbildschirm von Microsoft Teams zu sehen ist.

Innovative AI projects that we are already implementing today

For one of our clients in the financial services sector, our custom-built AI engine supplements the traditional manual approach to information gathering by accessing an extensive network of internal knowledge sources. In addition, the AI engine automatically searches dedicated external sources for up-to-date information, integrating them seamlessly and ensuring that the available knowledge is always up to date.

Previous process

New process with AI engine

Ready to get started with generative AI?

Test real application scenarios with your own data and documents and discover immediate results.

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Volker Lügger erklärt vor einer Gruppe von Menschen seine Softwarelösung im Bereich generativer KI.

18 months of Gen AI research led us to our Milestone Consult AI rapid production framework

We have integrated our experience from customer projects since the end of 2022 into a framework based on cloud services. This framework enables us to implement new customer projects much faster and more securely because we can rely on standardized building blocks. At the same time, we have designed the framework in such a way that we can flexibly integrate third-party tools in order to always use the best possible technology that is currently available or best suits the use case.

Schaubild des Milestone Rapid-AI-Production-Framework, das ein Hilfsmittel zur Entwicklung von Lösungen im Bereich der generativen KI ist.
Icon mit drei Quadraten und einem Plus

Modular architecture

Interaction of standardized building blocks for generative AI, the customer environment and the flexible integration of third-party tools.

Icon das für Konnektivität steht, bestehend aus miteinander verbundenen Punkten.

Individually configurable

The AI backend is designed in such a way that it can be flexibly adapted to the use case. For example, the response behavior and database of each endpoint can be configured precisely to the use case.

Icon, das einen Mikrochip darstellt.

Robust and reliable

The building blocks for data transformation, the generative logic and the endpoint configuration are designed to be robust enough to effectively reduce typical AI errors such as hallucinations.

Blau gefärbte Anführungszeichen

Our Milestone Consult AI rapid production framework is the result of intensive research and real-world project experience. It embodies our commitment to creating innovative solutions that are not only efficient, but also scalable and future-proof.

Volker Lügger
Consulting Manager at Milestone Consult

Volker Lügger von Milestone Consult hält ein Handy in der Hand und blickt lächelnd in die Kamera.

Ausgewählte Gen AI Referenzen

Detailaufnahme eines Mannes mit Brille, gekleidet in einem Anzug, der in die Ferne schaut.

Knowledge management

For a financial services provider, we create AI-supported access to corporate knowledge, supplemented by external knowledge automatically compiled and processed by our AI engine.

Close Up auf Hände auf einer Tastatur, darüber ein 3D Overlay, das den Chatverlauf mit einer künstlichen Intelligenz darstellt.

AWO Chatbot "Marie"

For the AWO Kreisverband Wesel e.V., we are developing a generative chatbot for interaction with visitors that provides comprehensive information about the organisation, its goals and values as well as its services.

Eine Frau mit einem Tablet in der Handy bespricht etwas mit einem Mann, der einen Kaffee trinkt.

Customer chatbot

We are developing a generative AI solution for customer-oriented service for an international consumer goods manufacturer.

Would you like to implement an external chatbot with generative AI?

We develop and support GenAI chatbot projects from analysis to final implementation and subsequent quality assurance.

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Ein Mann mit blauem Hemd schaut in sein Handy, über dem ein 3D Overlay zu sehen ist, das ein Chatfenster andeutet.

Your contact person

Dustin Michels


Jan Ottmann

Key Account Manager

Detlef Wetjen

Authorised signatory & Key Account Manager

Jürgen Wolf

Key Account Manager